

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Evan plays so good with this little baby.  It melts my heart every time it happens. 
After a trip to the ER due to allergies...I thought it would be a good idea to get him tested.
To What??
Of all things:
Looks like the girls in this family might be taking care of our lawns every summer...unless we buy a heavy duty mask for this poor kid.

LOVE IT when papa visits.
It was fun having someone to laugh at all day : )

The kids did a couple play groups throughout the summer.  Mayci's preschool teacher is amazing.  She has six kids, teaches 4 DIFFERENT preschool classes, was in the Young Women's, and through the entire summer she helps her older girls earn money by running a morning and afternoon playgroups every Tuesday...implementing hard work and a love and patience for kids.
She really is a ROCK STAR.
I couldn't do it.
So Im really glad she does.
And...a friend of mine a few blocks south has SEVEN kids - from the mission field, college, high school, junior high, and grade school - insane.
I stare at her in amazement.  She too helps her kids run a playgroup.
On the last day of her playgroup...the kids got to ride horses.
It was a dream come true!
These little playgroups gave me a couple hours 2 days of the week to run around town with just Wes.
The $10.00 - WORTH IT!

I might have had pneumonia all summer.
Ok, not really, but I literally had a ~ horrible ~ dry
~ almost choke me to death from coughing so hard but nothing would come up ~
Im just getting back to working out because I would literally cough so much Id end up gagging and barfing after a workout.  Wasn't worth it.
But Evans inhaler came in awfully handy every now and then : )

Cutest little swimmer.
We didn't get up to gramma Ardens pool very much this summer, but when we did, it was a good time!
And sorry, don't mind me in the background ; )
I wish.
She just runs up mountains to stay in shape.

Wes was napping, Rae and Evan were somewhere, so Mayci got creative.
I went outside to see what she was up to.
All I could hear was:
"Z-bars for sale! Z-bars for sale! Z-bars for sale"
over and over and over.
A good friend of mine drove up and asked Mayci what she was selling and for how much.
Thats when I finally walked out to Mayci.
I was really interested to know how much the z-bars would be.
She said 2 dollars.
I told my friend to pay up!
Mayci earned 2 quarters and wore this smile.

Master wedgie of all time!
I could bite it.

These two.
I went to a neighbors to help clean her house.  Her father had decided that life was too rough and took matters into his own hands, and passed away.  It was so tragic.  And my heart literally still aches when I think of it.  She packed up and took off so fast...and days later her husband was given the difficult task of packing up their 6 kids to follow.  Her kids are all young and so close in age that the amount of time she has to wash blinds or windows or vacuum for that matter is slim.
Anyway ~ my friend summoned the ladies of our ward to gather together and clean her home and stock her kitchen for them while they were away.
My heart burst with joy for the opportunity to feel like I could DO something to help this poor I got a sitter for a few hours and went and washed blinds.
These 2 girls knew little but they knew someone this family loved had they rode over to the house and helped.  When we walked home I saw how they got there.
Rae.  What a slave driver.
I smiled.
Thats safe...right?!

This girl is ready for gymnastics.
She seriously DOES NOT STOP cartwheeling - hand standing - back walkover ing!
In the meantime she has kicked every one of her family members in the face several times too.
Time for GYM!
I told her she can't quit till she reaches level 7 ~ I don't know what level that is but Im hoping its straight into college!
She really has taken a liking to it and 'just can't help herself' !!
Im excited to see where this goes.
She has committed to at least doing it until she completes a competition...
and Im so good with that.
~she looks so old in this picture~

Got a good laugh when Wes came up the stairs in this.
It just looked so real.

Wesly's face as she stared at the 4th of July fireworks.
We met at my brothers and it was a good show!
That profile!!!
- perfection -

No words.
Harry and Wes.
Match made in Heaven.
Ok...a few words : )

No diaper baby bum getting warm.
Too good.

This is so blurry...but really?!
What a poser!

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