

Friday, February 6, 2015

So many randoms.

As Ive said before - dance this age is pretty darn cute.
Unfortunately she is starting to NOT want to go…
 But maybe its perfect timing.
Perhaps onto something new : )
Shakin' it!

She's either a little too late or a little too early with this move. HA!

THIS - Is worthy to document.
FIRST - The "OTS" Olmstead Tourny Stache.
SECOND - This was taken the weekend of the FINAL FOUR/FINALS - That BYU was in.
THIRD - We are holding hands.
FOURTH - There is no fourth - thats it!

I caught him prepping the all too famous mustache of 2014.
It had a life of its own.
It was filthy.
But with it - along with an unmeasureable amount of hard work, dedication, grueling hours, sleepless nights, highs and lows -
The 2014 BYU Womens Volleyball team made History.
Many many firsts.
But a few big ones to recognize is the first unseeded team to EVER make it to the Finals.
And the first BYU team to EVER make it beyond the Final Four.
I told Shawn if he told me when he took this job that one of his teams would play in the National Championship match -
I wouldn't have believed him.
Not because I don't think he is capable - or his staff as a whole are capable-
But simply because its BYU!  Its not a Big12/ Big 10 school.
Its not a consistent Final Four/Finals team.
Its BYU.  A great school that will be successful.
To say Im proud is an understatement.
It was quite the ride and it was incredible.  Its what a true athlete dreams of doing in their college career.
And a dream it was.
Huge Thanks to all those who made it possible for me to be there for this unforgettable moment.
Becca - Thank you.
And everyone else that offered, sincerely offered to help.
Thank you.

Best part of Christmas break was THIS.
Dad time.

These two have the greatest bond.
Mayci - you are an angel.
This makes my heart literally swell when I look at it.

Christmas morning line up.
Evan - nice wink face!!

Christmas was pretty mild this year.  Santa didn't bring anything that required big ol' boxes to open with millions of pieces to put together.
Just some ol' fashioned Lincoln Logs that Evan thoroughly enjoys building with.
Thank you Santa.

Enjoying some of her gifts…My little Pony.

Coloring her new satchel.
And so happy to be doing so : )
Pretty easy to please!

And of course these were the hit.
I finally allowed Santa to bring them an electronic - and Netflix to go along with them.
Lets just say we had to do some weaning once Christmas break was over ;  )
But the break was probably the quietest one we've ever had.
Which was SO SO nice…and needed.
Especially after the extremely LOOOOONG season Shawn had.
It was a nice needed recovery/family time.

Just giving her new baby a sippy.
This girl is into her mama duties! 

Dad - hookin Evans kindle up.

We haven't had a ton of these days this winter -
but when we did this day, Mayci put Rae to WORK!

Oh that face.
And those cheeks.

This boy truly has my whole heart.

This poor baby of mine.
One thing after another.  Here she broke out in a nasty itchy rash all over her body.

Took her in and along with her sinus infection she had a virus that caused the breakout.

Needless to say she has spent a lot of time in this room.
Atleast there is a mirror for entertainment.

And yes…she refused to wear anything but her cozy jammies
And even then I had to wrestle them on her.
Thank you very much rash.

And yes,  another child who INSISTS on dressing herself -
although this time she got it all wrong.
Inside out.  Backwards.  And upside down.

Team was honored at the BYU mens game.
Someone told me Shawn could be mistaken as a student team manager.

Evan won this award and I proudly displayed it for months in our kitchen.
Hes a great kid.
I lucked out.  Big time.

Its just what I do in my spare time.
Ive always loved drawing.
Snap chat fulfills my hobby - for now:)

Just because she looks so peaceful.
And content.
A rare occasion!

Silly faces with my boy.

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